Thread safety is guaranteed with the default Transformers and ObjectFactories, but custom Transformers and ObjectFactoriesyou write can have an impact on thread safety of the JSONSerializer/JSONDeserializer. Take care not to use internal stateinappropriately, or use libraries that aren't thread safe.
Both implementations of Transformer and ObjectFactorymust be written such that multiple threads can be using the same instance at a time. Try and avoid synchronizedblocks for best performance, but some cases might require locking.Android Support. This is supported out of the box as of 2.1Prior versions of the library did not work on Android because it used the very standard packagejava.beans.Introspector. Instead of waiting for Google to port that class over to become morecompliant with the Java specification starting in 2.1 Introspector has been replaced so that wecan enjoy using Flexjson on Android. For more ideas and information about how Flexjson canbe used in Android see this.Maven 2 ReleaseFlexJson is avaialable on the central maven repository.
Json Deserializer Jackson
In order to use flexjson in your maven enabled projectsimply add the following to your dependencies. You can find the current SNAPSHOT version here.sonatype.oss.snapshotsSonatype OSS Snapshot Repository.The EndThat's really all you need to know about Flexjson. It's really just that simple and lightweight.
Pleasegive me some feedback. I'd love to hear about improvements or new features you would like added.Email me at charlie DOT hubbard ( I don't want spam so this is here to stop harvesters ) AT gmail DOT com.